20 June, 2018

Experts urge western countries to understand “Shanghai Spirit”

Experts urge western countries to understand “Shanghai Spirit”

My comments quoted on China Radio International website titled: “Experts urge western countries to understand Shanghai Spirit: 
Ahmad Hashemi, a senior American researcher of Middle East studies, says the SCO may change the dominant status of voices from developed countries: “As we see some people now are talking about [the SCO] another model of EU, European Union in the east, another model of NATO, another model of G7. So again, what we can see is the diversification of trade and commerce and interactions and different voices. So, for the last couple centuries, the world was Eurocentric, Euro-American, but now we are witnessing that another voices are being heard, another countries are becoming great again,” says Hashemi.
نقل قول دیدگاه بنده در خصوص “روح شانگهای” توسط رادیوی بین المللی چین در مطلبی تحت عنوان: “کارشناسان از کشورهای غربی می خواهند تا “روح شانگهای” را درک کنند:
احمد هاشمی، کارشناس ارشد مطالعات خاورمیانه می گوید سازمان همکاری شانگهای می تواند جایگاه برتر قدرت های جهانی را تغییر دهد: “امروزه شاهد هستیم که برخی سخن از الگوی دیگری از اتحادیه اروپا،(سازمان همکاری شانگهای)، ناتویی دیگر، گروه هفت دیگری در شرق بر زبان می رانند. بنابراین، آنچه شاهد آن هستیم متنوع شدن تجارت و بازرگانی و تعامل بوده و صداهای مختلفی شنیده می شود. پس از چند قرن اروپا محوری و محوریت اروپایی-آمریکایی در جهان، امروزه شاهد هستیم که صداهای دیگری هم شنیده می شود و عظمت در حال بازگشت به کشورهای دیگر می باشد.”

Experts urge western countries to understand “Shanghai Spirit”

China Plus/CGTN Published: 2018-06-11 20:39:09
Various observers are suggesting the rest of the world could be taking a lesson from the concept that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has been formed under the “Shanghai Spirit.”
Serving as the SCO’s principle for internal affairs, the “Shanghai Spirit” features “mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, mutual consultations, respect for cultural diversity and pursuit of common development.”
In his speech at the now-concluded SCO Summit in Qingdao on Sunday, Chinese President Xi Jinping called for the continuation of the “Shanghai Spirit” to surmount difficulties, defuse risks and meet challenges.
Sourabh Gupta, a senior researcher with the Institute for China-America Studies, a U.S.-based think tank, says that “Shanghai Spirit” is the fundamental basis behind the SCO’s success.
“This organization is built on the same principle as the United Nations, sovereign equality of countries, countries cooperating with each other. And the agenda is not set by the big powers only. It’s a grouping of major middle and small countries. And each of them shares equally in the burdens and its benefits. This is essential, and vital and very, very important,” says Gupta.
Stephen Perry, chairman of Britain’s 48 Group Club – a UK advocacy group for trade with China – suggests other countries should be learning from the concepts of the “Shanghai Spirit.”
“What is happening in Asia particularly inspired by China is the concept of economic development on a sustainable basis, working collectively with other nations and sharing the wealth. The emphasis is more on sharing in Asia than in the west. So as we go forward, I think the ‘Shanghai Spirit’ is a very important issue for the west to look at and understand. I think the ‘Shanghai Spirit’ will give a great opportunity for SCO to be successful as an organization that adjustAudio Player
s itself according to how even the small countries feel,” says Perry.
Ahmad Hashemi, a senior American researcher of Middle East studies, says the SCO may change the dominant status of voices from developed countries.
“As we see some people now are talking about [the SCO] another model of EU, European Union in the east, another model of NATO, another model of G7. So again what we can see is the diversification of trade and commerce and interactions and different voices. So for the last couple centuries, the world was Eurocentric, Euro-American, but now we are witnessing that another voices are being heard, another countries are becoming great again,” says Hashemi.
The SCO Qingdao Summit is the first meeting for the group since its expansion.
It was established in Shanghai in 2001, with China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan as its founding members.
India and Pakistan joined the organization during the Astana Summit a year ago.

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