Compilation By: Ahmad Hashemi
Source: IranBriefing
Iran Briefing Exclusive - The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) was created by the founder of the Islamic Republic primarily to safeguard the newly established republic, to maintain internal security, and to guard Iran’s borders in the aftermath of the Iran-Iraq war. It has since moved away from its original objectives and adopted mafia-like functions of coercion and repression that envelop all sectors of the economy, policy and culture of the country.
This economic, political and military mafia employs every possible stratagem to protect their illegitimate interests, and they never hesitate from using any immoral or irreligious means to secure their ends. In this respect, some instances of the organized use of sex by this force may be pointed out. A remarkable instance in this regards is organized sex-abuse against prisoners; exploiting prostitutes for espionage, raping political prisoners, sexually threatening prisoners’ family to oblige forced confessions, marrying women from other countries (eg Lebanon, Iraq, Bosnia-Herzegovina, etc) for sexual pleasure and extending international terrorism, and, recently, sexual relationship with married women. And finally using its Cyber Army for cyber crime and cyber sex to spy on people’s private life and infiltrate among its opponents, officials, and even its own members inside and outside Iran. Drug abuse, porno, suicide, and even alcohol has been increasing among low level IRGC members in the last 10 years according to some confidential information.

Use of Prostitutes and Sex by IRGC for Espionage
The latest phenomenon is indulgence in sexual relations with married women. Sexploitation, sexual abuse and sexual violence are fascinating to the Revolutionary Guards. Recently the arrest of ten prostitutes in the employment of the IRGC in Turkey for espionage indicates that the IRGC mafia is using prostitutes for espionage and information gathering abroad.
The latest phenomenon is indulgence in sexual relations with married women. Sexploitation, sexual abuse and sexual violence are fascinating to the Revolutionary Guards. Recently the arrest of ten prostitutes in the employment of the IRGC in Turkey for espionage indicates that the IRGC mafia is using prostitutes for espionage and information gathering abroad.
According to the latest news, the Turkish police have arrested ten Iranian women on the charge of trying to collect secret information and spying on Turkish police and military officers. Such women under the employment of the IRGC seek intimacy with Turkish civil, police and military officers and then establish illicit sexual relations with them or contract Mut’a [temporary marriage] with them or have group sex with them in order to gather secret military information from them.
Rape and Sexual Violence against Political Prisoners
Acts of physical torture, sexual abuse of, and violence against political prisoners have widely been used during the long history of the Islamic Republic of Iran. During the 1960’s, prisoners belonging to the Mojahiddeen-i-Khalq were subjected to widespread sexual abuse and violence. Most of the women and young girls who expected to be executed soon were raped rapaciously. This was done in the belief that violence against the enemies of the clerical regime was justified on religious grounds and was worthy of divine reward. During the post-2009 Green Movement [Jonbesh Sabz] numerous cases of sexual abuse and violence against political prisoners took place, but they came into the limelight at the international level for the first time because of the disclosures made by a high functionary of the state, as well as the activities of Mr. Karrubi and others.
Forced Confessions through Threatening to Rape and Raping Prisoner’s Spouse
To extract confessions from political prisoners, the IRGC and the intelligence Ministry of the regime during the 1960’s and 1970’s widely dishonored or threatened dishonoring the wives of the prisoners. One example of the use of such pressure tactics was the circulation of a documentary showing the interrogation of the wife of Said Imami, during which she was forced to confess her illicit relations with other persons and even with her own son. Currently such tactics are being used by the IRGC and the Intelligence Ministry agents against the activists of ethnic minorities, particularly the Arabs and Baluchis of Iran, to extract confessions from them.
To extract confessions from political prisoners, the IRGC and the intelligence Ministry of the regime during the 1960’s and 1970’s widely dishonored or threatened dishonoring the wives of the prisoners. One example of the use of such pressure tactics was the circulation of a documentary showing the interrogation of the wife of Said Imami, during which she was forced to confess her illicit relations with other persons and even with her own son. Currently such tactics are being used by the IRGC and the Intelligence Ministry agents against the activists of ethnic minorities, particularly the Arabs and Baluchis of Iran, to extract confessions from them.
Sometime ago, Abul Fazl Qadiani, a detainee under Section 350 and a senior member of the Organization of the Islamic Mujahedeen [Sazman-i-Mojahideen-i-Iwlami] wrote a letter to Sadiq Larijani, the head of Iran’s judiciary, telling him about the atrocities committed against political prisoners and their families with the support of the head of the judiciary himself. Such conduct has whitewashed the black face of the SAVAK of the former royal regime with all its evils and excesses. He had said that under the former regime, the families of political prisoners were never dishonored and there were no problems for their wives and children.
IRGC Members’ Marriages with Foreign Women Both a Source of Pleasure and a Tool of International TerrorismThe marriages of IRGC members with foreign women (the Lebanese, Iraqis, the Bosnians, etc) served the purpose of killing two birds with one arrow. This activity started in the first place for pleasure-seeking and satisfying their urge for variety. It became a vogue during the 1990’s when many of the IRGC members married the young girls and older women of the Shiite-inhabited regions of Lebanon. They were lured to these wedlocks by the proverbial beauty of the Lebanese girls and by their own desire to enjoy sexual variety. Thus they satisfied their desires by entering into both temporary and permanent marriages with Lebanese girls.
However, in addition to their pursuit of sexual pleasure the IRGC and their chiefs later adopted another objective to be served by such marriages—promotion of international terrorism in conjunction with the Shiite Hizbullah of the Lebanon and the extremist Shiite groups in Iraq like the Badr Group, the Sadrists and the Supreme Council of Islamic Revolution in Iraq. The families of Sadr, Hakim, Chamran and Shahroodi are conspicuous by solemnizing such matrimonial alliances. In Bosnia too during the Bosnia-Herzegovina war, a number of the soldiers and officers of the IRGC proceeded to this Muslim country of the Balkan. There they married beautiful Bosnian Muslim women, but because of their European complexion they were averse to serving their extremist and revolutionary purposes. During the Bosnian war Husainullah Karam, the chief of the terrorist group Ansar-i-Hizbullah, came to the country under the garb of a diplomat (military attaché), and now he is with a Bosnian lady as his wife. Mr Mohammad Khatami, a former president of Iran, also married Zahra Sadeq, the niece of Imam Musa Sadr, and through this matrimonial alliance became famous as the “son-in-law of the Lebanon.”
IRGC Members Sexually Assaulting Married Women, Normally Punishable by Death in Islam but Tolerated in IRGC if Committed by Their Own Members
IRGC Officials have taken full advantage of their position to cultivate sexual relations with virgin girls and widows. They have been exploiting married women too. Numerous instances of such conduct have been highlighted by the media. Suffice here to mention only three cases:
First: During the past years, Sardar Salman Khudadadi, a fundamentalist member of the fifth, sixth and seventh Majlis, was interrogated for his moral corruption and sexual deviation. On complaints lodged by women sexually exploited by him, he became a topic of discussion in the media. He is known popularly as “Hajj Salman,” and he holds the post of the Commander of Revolutionary Guards in the Malkan County of the Province of Eastern Azerbaijan. He is one of the leading figures of the fundamentalist group in Azerbaijan.
Second: Ali Reza Sajjadpour, the Senior Director (Cinema) of the Islamic Guidance Ministry, was arrested for moral corruption and raping women and girls. These two instances are indicative of the widespread moral corruption and degeneration among the office-holders and the supporters of the regime.
Third: During 2009, a police officer of the regime named Reza Za’reyi who was the chief coordinator of the “Campaign for Elimination of Hijaabless-ness and Obscenity,” was arrested from a brothel. He used to torture and sexually abuse the women who happened to fall under his net.
Documentaries and Films about Victims of Sexual Violence
Here some videos and documentaries will be introduced which depict the sexual rapaciousness of the members of the IRGC and other military forces of the regime. However, it should be kept in mind that this is not an exhaustive account of the atrocities of the agents of the regime but represent merely a handful of instances out of the innumerable incidents. Because of the strict control and repression and the general diffidence of the public most of the victims of the sexual transgression of the IRGC and the Baseej prefer to keep silent. The videos under review depict certain victims and eye-witnesses of sexual violence retelling their experiences and observations about the atrocities and crimes perpetrated including violent physical assaults, sexual abuse and torture of women and men by hitting at their sexual organs and inserting objects into their secret parts to inflict maximum torture and humiliation.
Sexual Violence in Iran’s Prisons Controlled by IRGC: Torture and Rape of a Kurdish Mother in front of her baby
In this video one of the targets of sexual violence named Azar Al Kan’an, a Kurd by nationality, narrates what had happened to him. In 1982 he was lodged in prison along with his new born daughter. In this video, along with the scenes of his torture, the cries of the baby can be heard. Even after living abroad for a long time, he cannot forget the violence inflicted on him in the prison and still he still feels an inner pain.
Interrogation of the Wife of Said Emami a Deputy Minister of Intelligence Who Was Murdered in Order to Prevent the Leak of Sensitive Information about MOIS Operations Which Would Compromise the Entire Leadership of the Islamic Republic
This video is about the interrogation of Said Emami (a disgraced official) and his wife. It was made by the colleagues of Said Emami in the Information Ministry and brings to light the conduct of the officials of the Information Ministry of the Islamic Republic during the reformist era. This video was confiscated by an order of the former President Mr Khatami and kept in the Information Ministry. The video shows the interrogators forcing Mrs Emami to confess to having illicit sexual relations with other people, and even with her own son and their pet dog. The video portrays the extreme corruption, callousness, heartlessness of the functionaries of the Islamic Republic who show no mercy even to their own officials. On many an occasions they do not hesitate from taking dubious and immoral actions to achieve their nefarious ends.
Case of a Payman Kavoosi Who Was Raped and Tortured by IRGC’s Intelligence
This film depicts the violence perpetrated on and torture of the protesters in the wake of the controversial election result in 209 made on the basis of disclosures made by Engineer Payman Kavoosi. It was prepared by the “Campaign of Peace by the Exiled Activists,” and a CD of which along with explanatory notes was handed over by a representative of the Campaign to Mr Ahmad Shahid, the Special Rapporteur of the UN on Human Rights in Iran. Kavoosi says: “I was not prepared to believe that they would inflict such violence against individuals. I thought they merely wanted to frighten them.”
Torturing & Rape of Ibrahim Mehtari by IRGC
In this video Ibrahim Mehtari narrates the tale of protestors detained in the wake of the election of 2009. He tells that the torturers beat them with cables and batons and extinguished their cigarettes over their bodies so many times that 90 percent of their bodies bore the burn marks. He also narrates that they would stuff the mouth of a person with a piece of cloth and then beat him with baton in order to extract a confession from him.
Abused Women Turned into Drug Addicts in the Prisons of the Regime
In this video, a victim narrates how the forces of the regime threw dissident women into jail because of their political views and opposition to the clerical regime and then subjected to sexual abuse and violence. Thereafter, to disintegrate their human personalities, they made them drug addicts.
Violence against Detainees in Infamous Rejai Sharh Prison, Karaj City
In this video a victim narrates that, in addition to being beaten by batons and cold-drink bottles, the detainees were subjected to sexual abuse and violence. He tells that his both hands and legs were broken. He also informs that the prison had no bathroom and the prisoners were allowed to go to toilet only twice a day.
The Tale of a Tortured Girl; Describing her Ordeal and Horrific Beating & Sexual Assault Against Her
In this video an Iranian girl caught during demonstrations against rigged election results in 2009 narrates the story of barbaric violence let loose against the detainees in the detention centres of the regime. She laments that when Nida was killed on the street, the whole world took note of it. But nobody bothered about violence and torture suffered inside the prisons, and nobody came to their aid.
Torture of Ms. Marina Ne’mat in Evin Prison
This video depicts how Ms. Marina Ne’mat, one of the inmates of the Evin Prison, was forced to marry her own interrogator. She recalls that in her cell she heard the shrieks and cries of young girls who had to share their beds with their interrogators till the break of the day. They were abused so much that vaginas of many of them got ruptured.
Ibrahim Sharifi is another individual on these clips recounts: “They beat me so much with my eyes covered that I felt the warmth of my blood over my body.” Afterwards he heard a beater telling another person: “Take him and make him pregnant so that he never commits this mistake again.”
Ibrahim Sharifi is another individual on these clips recounts: “They beat me so much with my eyes covered that I felt the warmth of my blood over my body.” Afterwards he heard a beater telling another person: “Take him and make him pregnant so that he never commits this mistake again.”
Gang Rape of a Girl
Part 1
In this video, Ms Maryam Sabri, a 21-year old girl detained for two weeks after the demonstrations of 2009, narrates that she was sexually transgressed by several persons. She was raped 4 to 5 times and each time by different persons. They told her that this was being done with her consent. In the end two persons raped her together.
Part 1
In this video, Ms Maryam Sabri, a 21-year old girl detained for two weeks after the demonstrations of 2009, narrates that she was sexually transgressed by several persons. She was raped 4 to 5 times and each time by different persons. They told her that this was being done with her consent. In the end two persons raped her together.
Part 2
Part 3
Ms. Mina Intezari
In this video Ms. Mina Intezari, a former political prisoner and presently a human-rights activist, states her reminiscences of her seven years of imprisonment from 1981 to 1988. She tells about a girl prisoner who suffered from psychological and nervous breakdown. She was put in a cell of a psychiatric centre. She was so shattered that all the time she kept standing in a corner looking aghast.
In this video, eyewitnesses and detainees freed from the Kahrizak prison narrate the travails of this illegal jail in these words: In a 200-meter wide cell, having no ventilation, a number of drug-addicts with no hope of surviving for long and with their worm-eaten bodies lie side by side on the bare floor. They are 100 in number who have been transferred to this unhygienic and unfit place. They form a line to get down to the lower portion of the gate to breathe fresh air even for a minute. One man lost his eye-sight after being struck by a baton over his head. But even if the jail staff knew of his condition they did not move him out of this unfit place.
Two days before their freedom was due the detainees were transferred to Evin. The man who had lost his eye-sight died at the feet of another fellow in the bus moving towards Evin.
One form of torture resorted to at Kahrizak was that they first soaked the bodies of the detainees in water then beat them with chains and wires to transmit maximum pain to the depth of their inner souls. On the basis of medical reports, eye-witness accounts, CDs and documentaries, Mahdi Karrubi wrote a letter to Hashemi Rafsanjani demanding the constitution of a special committee “to investigate into excesses committed upon the detainees after the election of 2009, particularly the detainees at Kahrizak.”

In this film Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, a hard-line cleric favouring harsh treatment to political prisoners, is shown to be advocating all forms of harsh treatment to be given to political opponents. He openly declares that sodomizing the males and rape of females and use of all other types of sexual violence against the opponents is just and proper to secure their submission and compel them to confess their committed and uncommitted crimes.
In this clip, raping virgin girls before execution is depicted. According to religious figures supporting the regime, virgins will go to heaven if they die and in order to stop them from going to heaving virgin girls in regime’s prisons were forced to marry IRGC members a few days before executions or would be raped if they decline to marry.
Raping Virgins or Having Them to Marry IRGC Members or Interrogators before Execution.
Sardar Qasmi Obliquely Admits of the Crimes of the Regime
Raping Virgins or Having Them to Marry IRGC Members or Interrogators before Execution.
Sardar Qasmi Obliquely Admits of the Crimes of the Regime
In this short video clip, Sardar Qasmi, while referring to the protest of the Iranian people under the banner of the Green Movement, obliquely admitted of the occurrence of criminal acts and torture of political prisoners in the Kahrizak Prison. Although he spoke alluringly, this was an admission of the bitter truth that the regime committed crimes against the political detainees.
IRGC’s Cyber Army and Cyber Sex
IRGC has been recruiting destitute and homeless women and some poor students by paying them meager sums to pose as dissident bloggers and activists on the internet, according to confidential information obtained from the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and Iran’s so-called Cyber Army.
These women are being rounded up in different cities and taken to centers, where Iran’s so-called Cyber Army operatives teach them the use of internet to enable them to establish contact with anti-government activists through Facebook, twitter and other social media outlets. The goal is to identify opposition cells, writers and bloggers inside and outside the country and lure them into a network totally controlled and monitored by the intelligence services.

Deputy of the Supreme Leader’s representative at the IRGC Brigadier General Mohammad Hossein Sepehr – IRGC Cyber Commander
IRGC has also been using Internet and its own hackers to hack users account to spy on people it feels suspicious. During the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, IRGC gain the full control of Iran’s Telecommunication and Internet infrastructure. Since then IRGC with the help of Chinese companies and some European companies has been able to access to advance technologies monitoring people and officials inside and outside Iran. These officials are not limited to Iranians, IRGC is spying on officials in Iraq, Syrian, Lebanon, and neighboring Arabic countries to gain not only sensitive information but also gathering information regarding their private lives to one day use against them. Other companies inside Iran are aiding IRGC achieve its goal in Cyber Crimes, one of those isAshiyane Security that provides training to IRGC and Basij members and in most cases IRGC is using companies like these to do the hacking for them.
Written by: Ahmad Hashemi A Former Translator with Iran’s Foreign Ministry, Translated & Edited by IranBriefing Staff with some contribution to the content.
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